Tag: resin

Vacuum chamber

Some projects need degassing, since bubbles can be a problem sometimes. For example, casting resin in a mold, without degassing, means you’ll have to repair a lot of tiny damages on the surface. If you’re casting a soft material, like a silicone, it means you’ll have an uneven consistency of the final piece because of …

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The Norwegian Pram

Some months ago my friend Capestranus told me he’d have liked to build a boat, but that it was obviously too difficult. Some time earlier than that I had become interested in boatbuilding as a craft I had never tried, and so had passed quite some time studying it, and so I knew that while …

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Wooden whale

A couple years ago I decided to carve a sperm whale from wood I had lying around. I attached the jaw with a brass hinge because I wanted it to look like an old toy, but I wanted to give it some life, so I casted two half spheres in clear resin, and painted the …

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